Let's Embrace the Changes
Changes are happening with Pilates and Private Health Insurance.
Clinical exercise with Pilates informed Mat work.
Recent changes to private health insurance by the Australian Government means that insurers will no longer offer benefits for most natural therapies from 1 April, 2019. This includes Pilates, which means no class or service with the name Pilates or advertised as such will be rebateable through your private health cover.
So what does this mean for my sessions at Keilor Road Physio and will the classes be staying the same?
At Keilor Rd Physiotherapy and Exercise & Pilates Studio we want to assure clients that our physio led classes have always and will continue to meet health fund requirements to be rebateable. Our classes are individualised, functional and targeted to specific goals with individual records kept.
We base all of our intimate, hour long sessions on tailored strength and conditioning, movement based exercise series, that incorporate some (but not solely) Pilates based exercises and equipment. A range of equipment is utilised in the Studio to enhance the tailored physiotherapy led programs.
A new minimum requirement by the private health insurers is now at least one annual exercise based assessment review by a Physiotherapist in the form of a consultation. This is an absolute requirement for all of those using their private health physiotherapy rebate in the exercise studio and is an excellent opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your programs and reset new goals.
The excellent standard of care you expect from Keilor Rd Physiotherapy will continue and for some clients a few more assessments per year may be required to ensure that your goals are being met in the most fabulous manner!
If you are already seeing one of our brilliant physiotherapists as part of ongoing consultations for a particular condition, you may not be required to undergo a separate exercise assessment consultation, as your treating physio is constantly in dialogue with you in regard to exercise progressions and evaluation. As such, your treating physiotherapist can make any appropriate changes to your exercise regime and reset necessary goals from these treatment consultations as required.
If you are unsure of any of the details outlined above just speak to one of our super friendly front desk staff and all will be clarified.
Titantic on the Wunda Chair, during Pilates informed exercise classes.
Will anything else be changing?
Absolutely and resoundingly NO!
Our physio led exercise classes have always been based on functional movement and a strength and conditioning based approach. As such, we don’t even need to change the names of our classes to reflect what we do and to satisfy health fund requirements for rebates.
Also remember that we have Pilates based reformer classes that will continue on our timetable both Monday and Friday mornings, 7am and 8am. These classes are run by Lizzie, our Pilates consultant and are based solely on Pilates principles. They are non-rebatable however. You can see Lizzie in action on our Instagram page.
Servicing Niddrie, Essendon, Airport West, Keilor & Melbourne’s Northern suburbs for over 40 years, you can book with one of our highly trained expert physiotherapists physiotherapists or into Lizzies Pilates classes below or call 93794557 to speak to one of our admin superstars.
Thank you,
The Keilor Road Physio Family.
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Article by
John Keller | Clinical Director
Sports & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
John graduated as a Physiotherapist from the Auckland University of Technology with the John Morris memorial prize for outstanding clinical practise in 2003. John has since completed Post Graduate Diplomas in both Sports Medicine and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy with distinction, also collecting the Searle Shield for excellence in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.